Sunday, September 5, 2010

Frontier Prison

Cafeteria w/ inmate art
Misc tattoo materials

Tower in the yard

Real gas chamber
Roadie time again. Ryan & I went to the Wyoming Frontier Prison in Rawlins. I saw the map, I kinda knew how far it was, I had no idea how boring of a drive it was. There were parts of the drive that were amazing beautiful but mostly lots of nothing. We had about a half hour to kill before the tour started so we kicked around the museum. Lots of fun displays and exhibits, I was surprised how many people were on the tour. There were 2 older couples and a family of 3 with a dog. Tigger was one of the most well behaved dogs I have ever seen, the little girl (3 or 4 ish) was fearless. She was darling in her little blue sundress dragging Tigger all over the tour. It was very fun and interesting as hell. They do night and Halloween tours, I wish they weren't so far away.

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