Collin didn't fail any of his classes', only by the skin of his hairy butt. I don't think a D or D- really counts as not failing but we'll take it. (Hal-e-freaking-lula) He graced me with his very presence roller blading last weekend and at least I had a really good time. As you can see by the pic he is also thrilled ;). We did 7.5 miles in just under an hour, not too shabby for the beginning of the summer.
There were a ton of duck and geese running amok on the trail the babies aren't so tiny anymore but they are still very cute. Did you know that both duck & goose poop is slippery? I just thought it looked gross. Stayed vertical through the duck shit but man it was close! 
We went to the Motocross again. Dang those little guys are so cute!
I've got a few pet peeves as far as driving goes. Some may think of it as little bit of road rage but I prefer "pet peeves". The two biggies are people who can't merge politely and parking in the handicapped spots if you shouldn't be. If you can see the big orange flashing sign a half a mile away and as others are nicely merging into one lane, you shouldn't speeding up to get of the front of the line. If it happens occasionally, eh, shit happens. But when you do it regularly it means you are an asshole. If you park in the handicapped parking slots and don't have the appropriate sticker/placard/license plate you should be embarrassed. This has always been a big peeve of mine but recently it seems to have gotten worse. My office is right in the front of the building and I have a clear view of the parking lot. There was an employee of another business in the building that parked in the spot closest to the door every day. The first little bit I thought maybe it was a temporary thing but I came in one day and all of the spots were taken (the other three had their stickers) and she was in the first slot yet again. I was pissed, what if someone came that needed that spot? I left her a note "if you've got the sticker/plate/placard to park here you need to show it or quit parking here because it's not appropriate." She never did it again. Yay!!!! As I was leaving work one day last week 3 of the 4 spots were taken, NONE had the sticker/placard/plate. I decided right then I was going to take pictures of the people doing that and post them. I got 3 that day, the next day I got 3 more at Costco, 1 on Saturday at the haircut place and 2 at Smiths. I'm not driving around looking for them; these are just were I have been. I hope it makes at least a little difference.
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