Monday, March 26, 2012

Just a couple of thoughts............

Yesterday we watched a show called "Preppers". It was on as we were trolling to find something to watch. It caught our eye because they were in Utah, once we started it was like a train wreak. No kidding, it was soooo bad we couldn't turn away. At first they seemed ok, stocking food, first aid, ammo etc. Getting ready for the "Big Bug-Out", a lot of people now days do that. Yes, Mark does have a "Bug-Out" gun, and I'm not sure but I think we are getting a spare, just in case..... The wife seemed pretty normal, keeping the hubby on a semi even keel. Until he had a live pig delivered, to feed all the people that were helping him get his garage turned into the Bug-Out Room (think Amish barn raising). His thought was "the kids need to know", WTF. Really? It's probably ok for small kids to think their hamburger comes from McDonalds, maybe I'm wrong, just takin' a guess. Wife did stop him from scarring them with pig nightmares. However, she did allow (yes, it took him a bit to talk her into it) and support her husband and his nut bar friends to do a kidnapping drill. Just to "prepare" the kids, because, well, "the kids need to know". There were numerous drills, some pretty good. How to get out of the house in a crisis, how to treat guns. Others, what in the hell is he is thinking??????? The girls (10 & 7 ish) have bobby pins all the time so they can pick handcuff locks. After the kidnapping drill mom and dad debated if the 10 year old needed a cell phone. They decided that in fact she did not need one, "they cause more harm than good", so they bought her a pink and black semi auto. Cell phone vs a handgun, hmmmmmmmm very hard to decide.
Thought two, newest nephew. Isn't he a doll?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i have only seen the commercials for that show and wondered if it was worth watching, i guess u answered that question lmao. funny to think that there are people out there really like that.-rp