Sunday, September 5, 2010

Piedmont, WY

After the prison tour we made a quick stop at the Ft. Bridger Mountain Man Rendezvous to say hi to Mark & the boys. We were a couple hours behind schedule so there wasn't time to see much. We did get to see a little (possibly the best 4 bucks ever spent) and of course seeing my guys was cool. We got there quicker than I thought, the light was awesome!!!! The buildings were in great condition and there were more standing than we have seen in the past. The Internet indicated it was all private property and there was no trespassing but we didn't notice any postings and only went through one hole in the fence. We went to almost all the buildings, even went through a swampy area. We made it up to the cemetery, some amazing old headstones. It was beautiful, thank you for sharing with us Kelly.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I'm glad you made it to Piedmont. is a pretty cool place. You didn't post pictures of the charcoal kilns. They are pretty cool too.